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My Life's Ambition

My Life's Ambition

I have been asked by a friend who read the comments that I provided on my WEBSITE this question: "Is your WEBSITE designed to promote the academic or the spiritual community?"

My response is simply - both! The spiritual environment provides the opportunity to develop and strength my faith. The academic environment provides the opportunity to display the love of God by being patience and truthful in any situation.

What good is my Christian walk on earth, if only to hang around faith-based environments? How would I know if I were able to stand the test when placed in trying situations if I am, who I claim to be? And, if I should fail the test of my faith at any given time, what would I have to fall back on or to hang on to? While my response maybe simple, my goal is to demonstrate my faith in God.

As in the past, my goal is to stand for what I believe to be the truth! In the end, hopefully, someone's life goals in the spiritual, academic and or social will be changed and/or enhanced!

Unexpected Storm

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