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I hope that the lessons I have learned and share with audiences worldwide provide insight and perspective as your continue your life's journey.  Please share with whomever you think might feel that they have gotten a raw deal or are just dealing with life's challenges that come in many forms. The intent and content of my message can be summarized by the following topics:


Proverbs 4:26-27 states "Ponder the path of your feet and let all your ways be established. Do not turn to the right or to the left; remove your foot from evil.

A lesson can be learned from all experiences - good and bad.


God wants us to seek forgiveness, and to forgive others so that the healing process of love can take place. Even if we know that we are carrying ill feelings about others, we should seek forgiveness for our toughts so that our behavior toward others is not affected.


True love is agape love.  Agape love is the greek word used in the New Testament to describe the transcendent love of God - this is the highest form of love. Agape love is reciprocal, unselfish love that exists between God and people, and amongst people to each other. This is how we should strive to love others.


Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller. By building our character in all areas of life - moral, performance, intellectual, and civic - we are able to live our best lives and achieve our God-given potential.


Blame and negative feelings toward others will only hold you back from reaching the destiny that God desires for you.

When we let God guide us, we can "bounce back from our mess!"


My responsibility is not to worry about what "might happen to me" if I do what I believe is the "right thing." Without a doubt, God created me to trust him at all times - just not only when things are going my way. I am to leave the past behind and trust Him to guide me in the directions He wants me to go.

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