By Dr. Alice on Wednesday, 24 November 2021
Category: blog

Understanding our Attitudes by Reflecting on the Past

At one point when I was retiring from a career as a public high school principal and administrator, I knew I was moving on into a new, less-stressful season of my life. But, that did not mean I was a happy person. In fact, I realized that I had an unsettled spirit. I was not at peace with myself. I began to realize that if I did not deal honestly with my feelings and questions that I had been avoiding, I would lose my mind.

In fact, I was busying myself with work for years - at work, as I was finishing my career, and at church, where I found myself more involved. This kept me distracted.

Finally, I came face to face with addressing the guilt and impact of my past decisions.

I realized that when we are in a rut, facing our own reality is difficult, but necessary. We need to stop and reflect on our past, present, and future life pathways.

How are your past decisions affecting your present attitudes?

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